Welcome to Jimmy’s Book Club, where you'll find a curated collection of handpicked titles, all personally selected by Jimmy Barnes himself. Step into our virtual shelves and explore an eclectic mix of Jimmy's favourite books, spanning across genres from cookbooks to fiction, non-fiction, biographies, and beyond.
At Jimmy’s Book Club, we celebrate the joy of reading and the diversity of storytelling. You'll discover timeless classics, hidden gems, and contemporary bestsellers, each chosen with care to delight and inspire our readers. Dive into the rich tapestry of literature, where every book has a story to tell and a journey to embark upon.
But that's not all - as part of our commitment to fostering a community of book lovers, we proudly feature titles released by family and friends of Jimmy Barnes, showcasing a wealth of talent and creativity from within his circle.
As an exclusive treat for our patrons, Jimmy himself shares his current reading selection each month in our 'Now Reading' section. Immerse yourself in the same captivating narratives that captivate one of Australia's most beloved storytellers.
Whether you're seeking culinary inspiration, gripping fiction, thought-provoking non-fiction, or heartfelt memoirs, Jimmy’s Book Club invites you to explore, discover, and indulge in the world of books, guided by the passions and preferences of Jimmy Barnes. Welcome to your new favourite literary destination.
Tall tales and short stories from the long way round from Australian rock legend & bestselling author JIMMY BARNES
Highways & Byways Hard Cover
The new book from Jimmy Barnes, the award-winning author of the number-one bestsellers Working Class Boy, Working Class Man and Killing Time
From larger-than-life adventures to vivid and poignant tales of the imagination, Highways and Byways is a collection of stories taking readers on an enthralling tour (complete with the odd detour) through the raucous, well-lived life of one of this country's most successful and beloved artists.
Told with Jimmy's signature verve and flair, and richly coloured by his distinctive voice and wit, Highways and Byways sees him sharing a 1970s Texas stage with a dream line-up of US musicians; flirting with disaster in a Hawaiian high-rise; discovering a life-changing cassette tape; unearthing shattering family secrets in Glasgow; encountering charismatic and not-so-endearing superstars, ghosts of the recent and distant past, superfan traffic cops and shady salesmen; and confronting his own mortality - while pondering the more amusing effects of hospital medication.
Charming, personal and poignant, Highways and Byways is a collection that celebrates Jimmy's Scottish heritage, family, friends, music and the adventure of a grand life.